ˈkəʊd neɪm: Peppered Pink



Blueprint for a $1 app. The aim is to allow every app enthusiast, including every 3rd world learner to build their own installable desktop and mobile compatible progressive web app. Having a budget of $1 to use for their time with the rest for free. Needing only a basic toolset to take a design from idea to app for less than a $1.

ˈkəʊd neɪm: Peppered Pink

Prototypes & Projects

These are some of the prototypes and projects we are working on


Music Love

theradio.fm is the real prototype and is also what is known as the kitchen sink. It is a coding dojo and place to experiment and build live in public so it has to work. (Framework7, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - PWA)

Thabiso Khambule

Social media content in a central location and it is a paid member integration with Pod.fan allowing paid distribution of his popular mix of the week. (Framework7, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - PWA)

Tattoo Studio

Portfolio of work and digital scheduler for booking appointments. Making the client-artist tattoo process easier to manage and rather focus on happy clients. (HTML, CSS, JavaScript - PWA)

ˈkəʊd neɪm: Peppered Pink

Spinoff is Red Builder

Our startup SaaS project, Red Builder, a progressive web app "printing" platform. The builder enables anyone to produce a successful installable progressive web app. An optimised performant blueprint transforms their own disjointed media and content into an imaginative construct. Performance analytics is achieved using the GoSquared analytics dashboard. Single click publishing and results are simply collated in a few steps. Red Builder is recognised as a Microsoft startup.

Desktop & Mobile

A progressive web app that "prints" complete progressive web apps that run on desktop ( Windows / Mac / Linux ) & mobile ( Android / iOS ) Lightweight and super fast. No download needed. Simple to use.

Rapid Build Process

In-app page previews during build steps. One click publishing. See your app take shape just as you imagined it. Easy as 1-2-3 even with your eyes closed.

Granular Analytics

Popular analytics dashboard option offered. Made by GoSquared, leading market experts, simple to setup and use. Track every user as they interact with your app and see the trends as they develop.

ˈkəʊd neɪm: Peppered Pink


These are our $1 minute rates but $1+ project pricing is also available on request.



Initial consultations and project updates. Also the rate charged for call-outs. Calculated per hour and every 1 minute thereafter.



Project planning, Documentation, Database, Development, Testing, and Quality Assurance. Calculated per minute.

Martin Myburgh - $1 man

Imagine and make what was not there before.

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